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GOODS (123839) > Women's clothing (79493) > Jackets, coats and vests (8630) > Coat winter park with fur women's shiny K-ZELL FASHION KZE198103SILVER
Coat winter park with fur women's shiny K-ZELL FASHION KZE198103SILVER
GOODS (123839) > Women's clothing (79493) > Jackets, coats and vests (8630) > Coat winter park with fur women's shiny K-ZELL FASHION KZE198103SILVER
product description:
S Overall length of front - about 80 cm
Width in the arms - 42 cm x 2
Width from armpit to armpit - about 51 cm x 2
Width at the waist - max. 47 cm x 2
Width of hips - 58 cm x2
Long sleeve - 64 cm
Long inner sleeves - 49 cm
Width in biceps - 18 cm
Overall length front - mesh 81 cm
Width in the arms - 43/44 cm x 2
Width from armpit to armpit - about 53 cm x 2
Width at the waist - max. 48 cm x 2
Hips width - 59 cm x 2
Long sleeve - 64 cm
Long inner sleeves - 49 cm
Width in biceps - 19 cm
The total length of the front part - about 82 cm
Arm width - 44/45 cm x 2
Width from armpit to armpit - about 55 cm x 2
Width at the waist - max 51 cm x 2
Side width - 62 cm x 2 Long outer sleeve - 65 cm
Long sleeve inner - 50 cm
Width in biceps - 20 cm
GOODS (123839) > Women's clothing (79493) > Jackets, coats and vests (8630) > Coat winter park with fur women's shiny K-ZELL FASHION KZE198103SILVER