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GOODS (121686) > Women's clothing (78840) > Underwear and hosiery (1378) > Cotton women's tuxedo (44-56) EVONA BIBKA
Cotton women's tuxedo (44-56) EVONA BIBKA
GOODS (121686) > Women's clothing (78840) > Underwear and hosiery (1378) > Cotton women's tuxedo (44-56) EVONA BIBKA
product description:
Bibka\\'s panties are women\\'s cotton panties that are especially appreciated by mature women. The pants are taller and worn with rubber. The pants design contributes to maximum comfort when wearing them. Cotton panties are made of 2: 2 ribbed fabric.
There is no wonder that Bibka briefs often buy women who are forced to spend some time in the hospital, for example because of a planned operation. The panties provide maximum comfort throughout the day.
COLOR: white, pink. SIZES: 44 (S), 48 (M), 52 (L), 56 (XL)
GOODS (121686) > Women's clothing (78840) > Underwear and hosiery (1378) > Cotton women's tuxedo (44-56) EVONA BIBKA