Wholesale Licensing Clothing

Importer of licensing clothing

Setino, SunCity, Eplusm, CACTUS CLONE, ST Licens, CG Licens, VAN DER ERVE, English Fashion, ...

In this " Themes " folder, you'll find a full range of licensing themes, regardless of manufacturer. You can find all the licensing themes in the left column or by filter, if you didn't find what you were looking for, we'll get it for you ! in the search engine you write: a t-shirt minnie The goods in stock are given in 2 days and in the filter with the property "within 1 day". Smaller packaging can be arranged again in advance by e-mail: info@vladimirmanda.cz How to order ??? We recommend using a filter, making a separate order for goods in stock and pre-orders. Quantity discounts on larger orders, whole cartons, contact us if you are interested. If you have an agreement with the manufacturer, please contact us, we will agree more advantageous conditions.

VLADIMIRMANDA.cz wholesaler of Disney clothing clothing, which is currently dominated by the fairy tale Frozen Ice Kingdom and MIMONI, has been a traditional theme since the beginning of Minnie and Mickey Mouse's history. Among the best-selling boys' motifs are Cars MC Queen, Spider-Man, a novelty since 2016 is Good Dinosaur, Star Wars, Paw Patrol, ...

You can find the products in stock from individual manufacturers by using the "delivery term" filter that you set on the property: 1 day (you can search by manufacturer for the license filter when you click the manufacturer's folder or by all themes when you click the license themes folder,). You can also search by package or license theme.

Please send your pre-orders in a separate order, before sending the binding order, copy the contents of the cart to our e-mail, first we will check the availability of the goods and the current price, then write the text in the note on the address entry: I agree with the pre-order

As soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse, we immediately send delivery information and you can order the goods from the warehouse the next day and send them in one order. We recommend selecting one manufacturer from the same delivery date.

For pre-orders over CZK 10,000, - a deposit of 10% is paid in advance, which will then be deducted from the invoice.

Pictures for sale at e-shop, facebook, and other sites are sent to email.

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Manda Vladimír
Dolánky nad Ohří 153
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

IČ: 15162061
DIČ: CZ6003021255

ČÍSLO ÚČTU: zasíláme s fakturou až když je objednávka připravena k odeslání



Ing. Vladimír Manda ml.: 00420 724 047 521 (manažer, veškeré informace o spolupráci, e-shopu, sortimentu)
email: vladimir.manda@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1
MESSENGER: https://www.facebook.com/italskamodavm.cz

Hana Mandová: 00420 602 147 512 (vedoucí skladu, dotazy ohledně objednávek, reklamace)
email: obchod@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1

TELEFON Sklad: 00420 602 147 512
(Po až Pá, od 8:00 do 17:00)

pro rychlé dotazy messenger: https://www.facebook.com/italskamodavm.cz


Arnoštova 89
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

pondělí až pátek: 8:00 - 17:00
sobota: 8:00 - 11:00



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