Facebook sale of 1 piece for VO prices!

How to shop > Facebook sale of 1 piece for VO prices!

Online sales, Facebook sales, start tomorrow!

Again active sale of 1 piece for facebook sales from VladimirManda.cz

From October 21, 2020, you can buy the following options in 1 piece:

1st collection option with a stock date

Collection with date in stock, package 01pcs more ... Minimum order 1500, - CZK

Possible immediate booking, consultation:

- email: roudnice@vladimirmanda.cz

- messenger: https://www.facebook.com/obleceniRoudnice

2nd collection option with a term of 2-3 days

Collection uni size, one size over 300, - CZK per 1pc, minimum order 2000, - CZK, you can also buy goods with a package of 1,2,3 pcs per 1pc

Applies to collections: IM420, IMC20, IMD20, IM320, IM520, TME20, TML20, TM920, IMS20, IMT20, IM720, IMT1, IM220, IMM20, IM51

handbags and accessories also possible from 300 CZK, up to 300 CZK min. 2 pcs

more on request ...

3rd option from a sample store

Furthermore, you can also wear children's clothing 1 piece at www.oblecenivm.cz , but beware, only from the section WE RECOMMEND or under the filter "only recommended" again, just register and let set the VO price list.

also men's clothing.

we recommend women's clothing only from the offer

Service of sending directly to the customer via Zasilkovna.cz

We charge + 10% for the service of sending to the customer for orders smaller than CZK 1,000.

The minimum order must be 500 CZK.

You send the order in the same way, only write the text in the note at the address: send directly to the customer at the zasilkovna.cz branch + surname, then send back the label to the zasilkovna.cz branch to confirm the order

Payment is in advance by the bank or on maturity (for maturity it is necessary to have a framework agreement).

We will invoice the order to you, we will only pack the goods and hand them over with your label to the zasilkovna.cz branch in Roudnice nad Labem, Karlovo náměstí, Kraupner car sport


You must therefore agree on another point of purchase for your company at this point.

We will handle complaints free of charge via zasilkovna.cz

Customers can also return goods via zasilkovna.cz, we can offer a label for the price of 60 CZK

Dozens of partners have already used the cooperation in the first wave!

If you don't know how to start a facebook page and a group, write us back.

It should not be a problem to offer the goods online, have them paid for on your account and pick them up near your store.

Your regular customers will appreciate it and you can reduce losses.

Do you have questions?

Manda Vladimír
Dolánky nad Ohří 153
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

IČ: 15162061
DIČ: CZ6003021255

ČÍSLO ÚČTU: zasíláme s fakturou až když je objednávka připravena k odeslání



Ing. Vladimír Manda ml.: 00420 724 047 521 (manažer, veškeré informace o spolupráci, e-shopu, sortimentu)
email: vladimir.manda@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1
MESSENGER: https://www.facebook.com/italskamodavm.cz

Hana Mandová: 00420 602 147 512 (vedoucí skladu, dotazy ohledně objednávek, reklamace)
email: obchod@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1

TELEFON Sklad: 00420 602 147 512
(Po až Pá, od 8:00 do 17:00)

pro rychlé dotazy messenger: https://www.facebook.com/italskamodavm.cz


Arnoštova 89
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

pondělí až pátek: 8:00 - 17:00
sobota: 8:00 - 11:00



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