TURNHOUT modern, sportswear

TURNHOUT modern, sportswear

modern, sportswear

Wholesale of modern and quality clothing brands:

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SOFTSHELL is a light and elastic material. It is water-repellent with high breathability and prevents wind penetration. The material is used in various sports activities and in various weather conditions. Reflective labels are made of reflective material placed on clothing, which causes a light contrast to a dark background. The driver can spot a person who has a Streak reflex in twilight, darkness, rain and reduced visibility in time and has enough time to react. Water resistance is a specially applied layer that is water resistant. The falling drops of water or snow form droplets that immediately drain from the material. Thanks to this treatment, the material stays dry longer and the clothes are more comfortable to wear even in bad weather.

COOL-DRY is a functional fabric that is extra soft and keeps the body dry by quickly removing vapors. CoolDry gives a feeling of freshness with good breathability, allows better heat dissipation. The airiness of the fabric contributes to the feeling of comfort, does not irritate, resists mold and odors. Increased breathability and low absorbency of the garment make CoolDry fiber products comfortable to wear. CoolDry is easy to maintain. Cooldry maintains its appearance and shape even during frequent washing. It dries very quickly after washing.

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Manda Vladimír
Dolánky nad Ohří 153
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

IČ: 15162061
DIČ: CZ6003021255

ČÍSLO ÚČTU: zasíláme s fakturou až když je objednávka připravena k odeslání



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email: vladimir.manda@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1
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Hana Mandová: 00420 602 147 512 (vedoucí skladu, dotazy ohledně objednávek, reklamace)
email: obchod@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1

TELEFON Sklad: 00420 602 147 512
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Arnoštova 89
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

pondělí až pátek: 8:00 - 17:00
sobota: 8:00 - 11:00



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