Wholesale conditions

How to shop > Wholesale conditions


We ship the goods as soon as possible after receiving a binding order. The price is for 1 piece with VAT. Wholesale prices only after agreement of business conditions. Preparation of goods and settlement date is approx. 2-7 working days, depending on whether the ordered goods are in stock, import from the manufacturer and according to the method of delivery. In exceptional cases, it may happen that the offered goods only in stock are already sold out. In this case, we will inform you by e-mail or telephone. Volume discounts apply to sales for wholesale consumption from CZK 3,000 and when registering with our company with the following information: Invoicing data that you have listed on the trade license, ID number, if you have so you can also VAT number. The packaging is according to the manufacturer or type of goods, it will always be stated directly next to the goods in the label.

The price list is active for about a month, if you do not create any order, the price list automatically shuts off, then contact us again with a request for cooperation, we try to have the widest possible offer, process your inquiries and find what you need to provide the best purchase of clothes in our online wholesale.

After a longer cooperation we will agree on interesting advantages:

- purchase on maturity up to 150 days,

- goods to the commission with the possibility of return and payment only after sale,

- purchase of 1 piece for VO prices,

- we agree on volume discounts,

- Create pre-orders for undercounter goods that are sold out before stocking.

We distribute at the manufacturer's recommended prices, if the manufacturer offered you volume discounts, we can agree on more advantageous prices and provide more advantageous business, delivery and payment conditions. We can always negotiate prices and conditions, send questions to e-mail: info@vladimirmanda.cz

Manda Vladimír
Dolánky nad Ohří 153
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

IČ: 15162061
DIČ: CZ6003021255

ČÍSLO ÚČTU: zasíláme s fakturou až když je objednávka připravena k odeslání



Ing. Vladimír Manda ml.: 00420 724 047 521 (manažer, veškeré informace o spolupráci, e-shopu, sortimentu)
email: vladimir.manda@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1
MESSENGER: https://www.facebook.com/italskamodavm.cz

Hana Mandová: 00420 602 147 512 (vedoucí skladu, dotazy ohledně objednávek, reklamace)
email: obchod@vladimirmanda.cz
SKYPE: vladimir.manda1

TELEFON Sklad: 00420 602 147 512
(Po až Pá, od 8:00 do 17:00)

pro rychlé dotazy messenger: https://www.facebook.com/italskamodavm.cz


Arnoštova 89
413 01 Roudnice nad Labem

pondělí až pátek: 8:00 - 17:00
sobota: 8:00 - 11:00



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